Tools for volleyball coaches

Clinic by Marinus Wouterse and Frans Bosch for the NVVO

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On Saturday the 8th of June 2013, Marinus Wouterse and Frans Bosch ran a practice session during a clinic for the Dutch association of volleyball coaches (NVVO). During the practice session, examples were shown that illustrated the theory presented during the previous evening.

Marinus coached the first men's team of VoCASA from Nijmegen, who played on the second-highest level in the Netherlands. Frans Bosch is a teacher at the sports department of the Fontys university of applied sciences and a top-level coach. During the theoretical part of the clinic, he spoke about the newest insights concerning motor skills and motor learning.

1. Core 1

1.1. Passing back and forth with constraints

Diagram for the volleyball drill 'Passing back and forth with constraints'

A and B play the ball back and forth.

Variation 1: A and B use overhead passes to play the ball. They have to keep their hands above their head the whole time. This constraint forces them to move beneath the ball correctly. They cannot "cheat" by playing the ball in front of their head.

Variation 2: A and B use forearm passes to play the ball. When a player passes the ball, his feet should touch each other. This constraint makes it difficult for the players to compensate using their upper body and forces them to move towards the ball better.

1.2. Overhead setting in a triangle

Diagram for the volleyball drill 'Overhead setting in a triangle'

T tosses balls to settter S with backspin. S sets these balls to C. The ball that S plays should have no spin. C catches the ball and throws it back to T.

1.3. Three types of sets

Diagram for the volleyball drill 'Three types of sets'

T tosses balls to the setter S with back-spin. S sets

  • 2x forward to A1,
  • 2x backwards to A2, and
  • 2x sideways to A3.


  • T tosses balls with different colors. The type of set that S plays depends on the color of the ball.
  • T calls out number while tossing. The type of set that S plays depends on the number that was called.

1.4. Three spikes in a row

Diagram for the volleyball drill 'Three spikes in a row'

A spikes three times in a row:

  • First, he spikes a ball that he tosses for himself;
  • Second, he spikes a ball that is tossed above the net by C;
  • Third, he spikes a ball that is tossed by B.

D collects the spiked balls.